What is he average business

Projects with minimal investment can be launched in different areas, some ideas are particularly promising. More often than not, they are related to a long-term trend, such as concern for the environment and new needs. Now, for example, alternative education formats, online courses, and projects connected with e-commerce are in demand. Medium size business can start with small investments.

Often business in small towns allows for modest investments, while at the same time the Аlower competition makes potential clients unsophisticated and receptive to the experiments of new players. The best medium business ideas are described below.

A co-working space for beauty experts

Victoria Smirnova from Kharkov had first-hand experience of the difficulties of private makeup artists who often have to move from place to place and carry a lot of beauty products and tools with them. To solve the problem helped to rent a studio with a future business partner and a teacher of a beauty school.

In 2018, the girls invested $4,000 in launching the co-working space and began promoting it to aspiring masters who cannot afford to rent a full-fledged office because they have already invested quite heavily in training and buying supplies. Workplace in the beauty space rents 30 artists: they can rent a place for an hour, a full day and 15 days a month. Medium investment business ideas will help you realize your ideas.

Growing Microgreens

One of the microgreen growing projects managed to recoup $1300 of its initial investment in a month. The Tischenko family got the idea for growing microgreens in a restaurant in Kiev.

Microgreens are young sprouts of leafy vegetables used for decorating and cooking. They can be basil, peas, broccoli, sunflower, mustard. Such a product organically fits into fitness trends and is in demand among athletes.

In the beginning, the partners grew all their greens in a pantry in their own apartment, learning how to take care of the plants themselves and eventually developing an auto-irrigation system. When the business expanded, the plants moved into a separate room and began to freeze there – the heating and ventilation system solved the problem.

Now all the additional investment in the business pays off almost instantly, the product is in demand due to the demand for healthy lifestyles and high competition among restaurants. Every month the project works with new customers – they are given trial orders, and later prices and batches are agreed with them. Medium business ideas are the beginning of something big.

The family business gets new orders through Instagram and contextual advertising.

Center for Psychological Excellence

Medium budget business ideas are just that. Transformational games help you quickly work through psychological problems, and 80% of clients stay at the center for more in-depth therapy.

Games lasting two to three hours proved to be a good alternative to multi-day psychological master classes. They combine group therapy, training, workshops, and coaching consultations, and help manage stress, lose weight, and form relationships. Each game takes a month to develop.

The game involves six people who don’t know each other and consists of five to seven stages. At the end of the game, the person must find several ways to solve the problem.