Measures to support business in a crisis

Welcome to the brave new world of legal nihilism!

It is not yet entirely clear what will happen to the economy further, but a lot will definitely change during this struggle for health.

The President spoke a lot, various bodies adopted various clever resolutions, now let’s put it together and summarize. The main thing is that the state of emergency and quarantine have not been introduced in the country, there are only two cadavers: self-isolation and non-working days, under which the regulatory framework is feverishly corrected.

This means that force majeure must be proved in the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry for each contract separately, but at least free of charge.

Non-working days for settlements on loans are working – the Central Bank recommended that everyone not overdue payments.

The credit holidays for physicists must be proved by a decrease in income. You may be lucky, although the latest government decree cut the amount of loans that you can use very well.

Measures to support organizations

Nevertheless, some positive measures have been taken.

Before describing them, it is necessary to highlight three groups of organizations to which, in addition to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), these measures will be applied:

  1. According to the government, the most affected are 28 types of activity (OKVED, not industries!): part of air travel, all culture, physical and sports, tourism, hotels, catering, part of non-state education, organization of exhibitions and part of personal services . To be included in this group, the specified type of activity must be the main one.
  2. Those who must work by order of the President: continuously operating, medicine and pharmacies, trade in groceries and essential goods, urgent repairs, loading and unloading. This group includes passenger transportation, banks, construction with all security, hypers, incl. construction and a number of other organizations.
  3. Those who are allowed to work, in addition to those who must. They were deciphered in specific regions, for St. Petersburg they are car services and spare parts trade, communication stores, tobacco trade, a veterinarian, hotels only for living, burial services, communications, housing and communal services.

Measures to support individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses

An additional burden on business has also appeared

These were concessions, now about the additional burden on enterprises.

  • Those who have to and those who have been allowed must provide data on employees who will continue to work at their workplaces and remotely by the 7th. The list of data and the form of information, of course, have not yet been invented.
  • The letter of the Federal Tax Service dated 04/01/20 said that the postponement of reporting periods does not apply to those who must work according to the decree – tax sanctions are possible.
  • Until April 30, tax authorities (submission of documents electronically, by Russian post or through a box at the entrance) and MFC (work through public services) do not accept citizens.

Thus, from all the useful support – the postponement of reporting, and, for those affected, the postponement of tax payments and the possibility of loans. For the rest – “hold on there, good health and success to you.”

“Accounting for You” does not stop working and is ready to help prepare and submit reports, calculate taxes and take accounting for full remote maintenance.

Меры поддержки бизнеса в кризис


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