Annotation to scientific article

The publication of an article by the Higher Attestation Commission requires the preparation of an abstract in Russian and English. Currently, this requirement applies not only to foreign, but also to Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals. The writing of the abstract must be taken seriously, since it is by it that the entire article is judged.

Как написать аннотацию к научной статье

How to write an abstract for a scientific article?

Scope of annotation

The requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for an abstract do not apply to its length. Much depends on the scientific discipline. The recommendations of different journals on this matter vary greatly from each other: from 100 characters in some publications to 500 characters in others. Probably, a figure of 100-250 characters will be optimal. A well-thought-out text structure is unlikely to go much beyond these limits.

Annotation structure

The abstract is a summary of the author, a description of the article, but in no case is it a retelling of its content. Its task, having outlined the main directions in the work, combine them into one whole and express them in a short thesis. Like any text, the abstract must have its own structure. In principle, it should consist of three sections: the relevance of the problem, ways to solve it, conclusions and results. It is advisable to express these sections in three sentences.

Abstract content

You should not include the title of the article in the abstract, it is already known to the reader. It hardly makes sense to quote here, and even more in volume, and to breed polemics with opponents. It is not recommended to include material that is not in the article and exaggerate your own merits. The text should be dry, strict and concise. No emotional judgments, personal pronouns and other subjectivism. The material is submitted only from a third party in an impersonal form. The text should not use unnecessary introductory words, unnecessary turns and expressions. In a word – no “water”. Results and conclusions should be presented as concisely, clearly and informatively as possible. It should not be forgotten that abstract to a scientific article can be used without the main text in the form of brief information about it in various information reference publications. Therefore, it is necessary to write in such a way that the abstract can represent the essence of the problem described in the article.

Rules for annotations in Russian and English

The abstract is information about the article in search engines and information databases that index the journal. Particular attention should be paid to keywords, because it is for them that search engines search for an article. Keywords (and there should be no more than 10 of them in the article) form the semantic core by which one can judge the problem described in the article. The abstract posted on the journal’s website goes online and must be readable in English. Therefore, one must understand that the abstract in Russian should be convenient for translation into English, and this should be taken care of in advance. It needs to be translated into English in an “English format” in a quality manner. In foreign journals, this language should be natural. Writing an abstract is a serious big job. It is the abstract that initially helps the reader to orientate correctly in relation to the problem posed and the results of its solution. Its place in search engines and information databases largely depends on the accuracy and accuracy of the written text and a carefully thought-out semantic core.

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