Photography as a business | Photoplay

Photography as a business. photography courses. School of modern photography Photoplay.

Photography as a business


How to make money with photography?
This question is asked by everyone involved in photography.

To finally dispel the myth of the hungry artist and help you build a personal business strategy in your favorite business, we have developed the Photography as a Business course.
This course will allow you to understand the laws of the photography business, how to create a successful personal brand and what will help you fit into the modern market as efficiently as possible.

In the classroom, we will discuss in detail and think over a competitive strategy that will allow you to stand out and differ among the many offers.
We will draw up an action plan on the way to a competitive portfolio, touch on the topic of quality promotion.

Lesson 1:

– photography as a business, which is regulated not by photographic, but by market laws
– what do we sell? We discuss the product and what it is in the photographic business
– brand. Archetype, values ​​and opportunities of a strong brand

Lesson 2:

– Brand VS Product. We study how a product line is created in accordance with brand values.
– B2B, B2C, P2P. We reveal the meaning of magical abbreviations that the hands never reach.
– price and value. secondary benefit. price perimeter.

Lesson 3:

– what is the price of your work? Let's talk about how to calculate the cost and not be afraid to voice it, even if someone thinks that you are just pressing a button.
– negotiations: how to prepare, what to pay attention to and how to successfully complete.
– promotion channels. We will discuss what is needed for successful promotion and what resources are most effective for photographers.

Lesson 4:

– modern portfolio. Form, features and assembly rules.
– trends in the photography market. We explore what is relevant, cool and in demand.
– how to correctly set tasks for the development of a photographic business? We discuss two main ways and think over what suits you best.

Course Feedback

Andrey Rogozin

Andrey Rogozin teacher

Professional photographer and photography teacher. Collaborates with magazines and advertising agencies.
Author of educational programs and articles on photography. Specialist in the theory and methods of teaching in photography. Author of photography articles. He has been teaching since 2001.
