The first form of business management system | With the “First Form”, not a single client of OlymptStroyService will be left without attention

With the “First Form”, not a single client of OlympstStstroyService will be left without attention with the “first uniform” not a single client of Olympus StroyService will be without attention.

With the “First Form”, not a single client of OlymptStroyService will be left without attention

With the “First Form”, not a single client of OlymptStroyService will be left without attention

With the “First Form”, not a single client of OlymptStroyService will be left without attention

The introduction of the CRM “First Form” module made it possible to reduce the risk of losing customer transactions by 80%. For six months of work in the system, performing discipline doubled, the decision of priority assignments accelerated by 40%.

Today, more than 70 users of 2 offices of ASK OlympstStstroyService operate in the system, including the management link, as well as territorially remote personnel. All information materials of engineering services, technical control services, photos of facilities, etc. are immersed in the system. Primary documentation is also processed here, due to which the load on employees of accounting and customer employees has significantly decreased. All relationships with clients and counterparties are centrally conducted in the “first form”.

ASK OlympstStstroyService is engaged in the construction and repair of elite housing. According to the results of the financial period, it turned out that almost a third of potential customers “fall off” after the first appeal. The company's management invited the first form experts audit of key business processes and identify a “weak link” in the conclusion chain of expensive contracts. According to the results of the examination, a block of tasks related to sales management and control of the execution of instructions was formalized and automated.

We stopped losing customers, since we can instantly raise the entire history of communication with the customer, from the first acquaintance to the delivery of the “turnkey” object, and show how carefully we care about its interests.

Sergey Goncharov, IT director ASK OlympstStstroyService
