4 main communication barriers

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Situations often arise when it is difficult for people to understand each other and agree on something. As a rule, communication barriers that complicate any dialogue are to blame for this. The same phrase can be interpreted differently by different people. For example, if you ask a question in a raised voice, the interlocutor will perceive it negatively. If you calmly utter the same question, then the person will answer in the affirmative. In the process of communication, it is not the words themselves that become decisive, but what emotions, facial expressions and gestures a person accompanies them. Let’s see what other communication barriers can prevent you from building relationships with others.

Perception barrier

Starting a conversation in a bad mood will obviously have a negative impact on the result of communication. An indifferent and cold tone, disinterest in the eyes make the interlocutor unwilling to have a conversation with you. It also refers to a situation where a person expresses his opinion without respect or even with dislike.

What to do in this situation: try to be friendly, smile, maintain eye contact and watch your gestures.

Barrier in relationships

The bad opinion of the interlocutor about us prevents us from objectively perceiving the information that we would like to convey to him. Based on this, a person can abstract from the conversation or ignore everything that you are trying to tell him, behave condescendingly towards you, respond in a pompous tone.

What to do in this situation: communicate with the interlocutor as an equal. Do not answer him rudely, even if the person is talking to you with dislike. Try to see something good in him and praise him for it. Don’t forget to make eye contact and smile.

Professional Barrier

In the process of talking with the interlocutor, it is necessary to take into account how much he understands the topic and whether he knows all the professional terms. If you explain the intricacies of work to a young specialist in a complex language, then it is unlikely that he will be able to understand everything that you wanted to convey and do the job well.

What to do in this situation: assess the level of knowledge of the interlocutor and try to simplify your language without showing arrogance.

Emotional barrier

When the day has not gone well, you are in a bad mood and have no desire to communicate with anyone, such a state can involuntarily affect the conversation with a person. The interlocutor, in turn, may perceive your emotions as a negative attitude towards him. The situation will repeat itself, even if, on the contrary, you are in too good a mood. For example, if you start talking cheerfully about your tasks at a meeting, management will assess such behavior as inappropriate.

What to do in this situation: learn to control your emotions, manage them during a conversation with an interlocutor, even if you are very upset about something, try to behave neutrally.

This was only part of the communication barriers that often occur in human interactions. If you want to learn about behavior strategies in communicating with an interlocutor, a deep and meaningful understanding of information or oral speech, about a business style of communication, then check out the free online course ” Oral and Written Communication “. Registration on the site will take 2 minutes, the duration of training is 50 minutes.


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