5 Reasons: Why Business Doesn’t Work?

5 Reasons: Why Business Doesn’t Work?

Have you ever worried that your business will fail? It is very difficult to look at this failure, especially when you put in so much effort in order to succeed. It may sound very strange, but failure is a very useful thing, because the very reasons that led to failure can be the key to success.

Here I will give you 5 ingredients that go into the mixture of failure in business, and how to turn them into real success:

1. Vague prospects:

The more clear you are about what you want to achieve, the more likely you are to get it. In your business, not focusing on your goal can lead to less profit, because if you scatter your efforts, your work becomes ineffective.

Why Business Doesn't Work 1

Transformation: Clear Purpose
Have you ever been a part of something bigger than just you and your self-interest? Feel great, don’t you? The thing is, that’s how we actually are.

  1. We are motivated and can achieve great things by managing something bigger than ourselves. And it’s no different than your business.
  2. Define your purpose. Determine the impact you want to have in your business, in society, in the wider world.

And then you will have a clear vision and energy to do more for yourself and your business. You will be motivated to get through the tough times for even greater success.

2.Destructive thinking:

If every day your head is filled with thoughts of inevitable failure and negative reactions from people, it will drain you and your motivation, and ultimately destroy your business. But that’s not all, destructive thinking negatively affects your health and even your life.

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Transformation: Constructive Thinking
Your thinking influences your actions in business and on every aspect of life in general. Optimistic thinking is followed by persistent action, and in the end, a better result. If you don’t tend to go down that path, the good news is, you can learn to be an optimist.

Problems will become less personal, and problem size will become more realistic, and the fleeting essence is clearer.

You can promote your constructive thinking with a daily ritual that consists of mindfulness (meditation, breathing exercises), visualization (mentally working through your desired outcomes), and gratitude for everything what you already have.

Plan your daily ritual. You may spend only 15 minutes on this, but it will bring big changes in your life, especially if you start the day with this.

3.Unproductive actions:

Low productivity means that you can spend all your energy for days, weeks, and still not moving towards your goal. We live in a world where it is essential to keep busy, we fill our time with various activities, without thinking about whether our actions are valuable.

Transformation: Productive Actions
Productivity starts with focusing on your actions. Just ask yourself these questions: ,,Will this help me be more effective?,, or ,,Help me get closer to my goal?,,,,
Summary of effective strategies for productive action:

  1. • Plan your day every day
  2. • Do the most useful things at the beginning of the day, so you will progress every day
  3. • Drop the unimportant tasks for you. Set a certain time limit for doing the work.
  4. • Do not overload yourself, give the opportunity to specialists to do work in which you are not strong, this is a great service for them and free time for you.
  5. • Set your working hours and rest. I work 50 minutes and then do something else for 10 minutes to rejuvenate.Find a time frame that works for you.

No doubt productive actions require discipline. And it’s just wonderful! After all, discipline serves you in achieving your goals not only in business, but also in everyday life.

4. Narrowed ties:

It can be comfortable sticking to your close social circle and not moving forward. Work helps to acquire new acquaintances, and at the same time new experiences. Being always with the same people will keep you in the same place, you will not be able to develop.

Transformation: Expand your social circle
Expanding your social circle is one of the most powerful things you can do to help your business succeed. The more people you know, the more likely you are to have new experiences. They can also be a source of inspiration and support for your business. People love to be helpful. Give them a chance to help you.

Finding, and most importantly, accepting the support of people is very important for building a strong business. Let experienced, business people be your mentors, ask questions of people you admire. Make it a habit.

5. Obsession with money:

Money is, of course, very tempting. First, our culture encourages it, it’s considered very respectable to accumulate capital and you need money for that. But in reality, money cannot bring happiness or vitality. Secondly, if the business does not bring you the expected income, you can become too focused on money, while leaving all your life principles and values ​​​​behind. Your attention will be focused only on making a profit, and life will pass you by.

Transformation: Healthy money
Instead of focusing on money, focus on new connections and on your target. The help of more experienced people is what will bring you success, which will be both healthy and sustainable.

The main thing is to find balance and harmony . Undoubtedly, it is very important to know that you have the means, that’s when confidence in the future comes, but you need to remember that money is just a tool, and instead of loving money, love yourself and others. This is the key to business success.


These five reasons can be the basis for business failure. Instead, you can turn them into success.

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