Where to get money?

Where to get money?

This article is a collection of ideas for making money and is meant to inspire people to look at how many different situations in life offer us the opportunity to take the money that is under our feet. Our brain is a very playful organ, it often just ignores the interesting things that surround us. Sometimes we are ready to miss important events just because they are new, alien, different, not familiar to us. How to change your mind and take money without much effort, read the article.

Ways to get money without loans and credits

Where to get money? This question comes up first when people have unexpected expenses. Although they say that the most valuable things in life cannot be bought with money, however, it seems impossible to survive without money. What to do when you need a cash injection?

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There is no single answer in this case. If you think about where to get money quickly, then you can take various actions. The most important of them is the search for additional work.

Where can I get money for my studies? Where to get money for a wedding? Where to get money for your own business? And finally: where to get money for life? Each of these questions makes you think about your financial situation and analyze what resources are needed to implement your plans. Salaries, even working full-time, are not always enough. Therefore, people are looking for ways to earn extra money.

  1. I. The first, easiest way to get money is to earn money … by saving
  2. 1). Start keeping your home budget right
  3. 2). Savings on bills
  4. 3). Save on food
  5. 4). Savings on purchases
  6. 5). Savings on medicines
  7. 6). Savings on household appliances
  8. 7). Savings on lighting
  9. 8). Saving on habits
  10. II. Second, the way to get money is a part-time job
  11. 1). Other ways to earn money: physical work
  12. 2). Removal of old things: furniture, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.
  13. 3). Become a mystery shopper.
  14. 4). Walking animals, taking out garbage, shopping, caring for the elderly, cleaning apartments, distributing leaflets.
  15. III. The third way is additional work via the Internet
  16. 1). Earnings on surveys
  17. 2). Work as a graphic designer, animation creator
  18. Resume

I. The first, easiest way to get money is to earn … savings

The rule of practical people: do not ignore the power of small steps. Saving $5 is not much if you only save once. But, if you save $5 at 10 locations, you’ll save over $600 a year. It’s already something, isn’t it? If you find yourself in a situation where you need extra money, and you feel that you have losses in the budget, start with an audit. Check where your money can go and where you can start saving painlessly. You may find that these measures are enough to achieve your goals.

1). Start to properly manage your home budget

This is the basis of the rule – this is the only way you will know where your money “goes”, and it will be easier for you to find holes where you can start saving. You may be shocked when you see how much money you are wasting.

2). Savings on bills

Check your bills for: electricity, telephones, internet and other utilities. Could you change carriers and get the same services or even more for less?

Of course, the bigger the house, the more room to maneuver, and with the help of simple tricks, you can reduce your water bills, heating bills, lighting and more. You can find thousands of tips on the Internet on how to do this.

3). Saving on food

Food is one of the biggest items in the family budget. Take a closer look at what you spend big money on, you will see that they go to small pleasures. Sometimes 100 rubles, sometimes 200 rubles for little things: coffee in a coffee shop, beer in a pub, fast food or a spontaneous trip with friends.

If you analyze, you will see how much food you could potentially not buy. Although all families always try not to throw away food, yogurt that is not eaten in time, spoiled cured ham or other delicacies end up in the trash. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly plan how much to buy products for a week, taking into account their shelf life.

Such menu planning will have a positive impact on the family budget. No one, under any circumstances, calls to save on the quality of food – this is the basis of our life. However, save on the amount of food and control whether you need to spend so much money on snacks or unnecessary stupidity. In many family budgets, a large and clearly hidden expense item is alcohol.

4). Savings on shopping

This version of the economy overlaps with the previous one. Many people know the feeling when you go shopping at the supermarket, you plan one thing, and when you return home shopping, you are surprised that you spent money on unnecessary things. In addition, it is worth thinking about saving on press and books. Electronic versions are usually much cheaper.

5). Saving on medicines

This is an important point, because sometimes it happens that someone in the family needs to take some kind of medicine regularly, for example, for the thyroid gland, for allergies or contraceptives, etc.


People who regularly use a pharmacy recommend finding out the cost of the desired medicine in different pharmacies. When changing pharmacies and requesting to replace an imported medicine with an analogue of a national manufacturer, you can save a lot.

6). Saving on household appliances

Of course, young people are in favor of choosing good electronic equipment that will be used for a long time. This type of purchase should be planned and thought through carefully.

Sometimes a less-branded product may work just as well as a product with a popular logo, but for a few hundred dollars less.

There are thousands of sites on the Internet that have customer reviews and price comparisons for electronics. Never trust a salesperson in a store. After all, his salary may depend on the turnover, of course, he will convince you to buy a more expensive device.

Real Earnings on the Internet ( 2021 )

Sometimes it is enough to wait a bit, look for discount codes or just … ask for a discount. True, in our culture it is not customary to bargain, but in 95% of cases, when a buyer asks for a discount on buying an expensive item, he gets it.

7). Saving on lighting

Today, LED lamps already give a normal warm color. They are great in place of halogens or incandescent bulbs that consume a lot of energy. If you calculate whether it pays off?

Even taking into account the service life, it is clear that LED lamps last twenty times longer.

According to the manufacturer’s description, an LED lamp shines for about 45 – 50 thousand hours, and a conventional halogen lamp has a service life of no more than 2 – 3 thousand hours.

8). Saving on habits

If you find yourself in a situation where you need extra money, consider giving up cigarettes or other stimulants. You are in a dramatic situation, you have about a dozen loans around your neck and they need to be repaid.

You need to either earn or save, start cutting costs, and start with cigarettes, after all, these are extra expenses. Of course, you need to have pocket money in order to invest in your own pleasure or just to relax from time to time.

ІІ. The second way to get money is a part-time job

1). Other ways to earn money: physical work

We have access to many different portals where you can look for additional work. Take advantage of these services and you’ll be surprised how often people need help. For example, shoveling snow in winter and mowing grass in summer.

Work can be very convenient if you are about 1 km from your house, and the owners agree that snow removal will be done after hours. Such employment can bring in a third of the monthly income.

Sometimes it is enough to go to a company near your home and ask if they need someone for this type of work or use websites.

2). Removal of old things: furniture, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.

For this type of income, you must be in good health. There are many such orders. In a big city, people are willing to pay 500 rubles for something as simple as tearing down an old washing machine from the second floor and keeping it for themselves.

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It often turns out that this equipment is … working. Thus, it can be resold using auction services or simply sold for scrap.

All you need to find such income is to regularly look at classifieds sites.

3). Become a mystery shopper.

There are many companies on the market that use such a tool as the so-called mystery shopper. The task of such a person is to check the service in a particular store. Orders of this type appear every few days.

The time required for this extra income is max. 1.5-2.5 hours. All you have to do is visit a particular store, ask about some things from the script and write a protocol, then send it to the company.

4). Walking animals, taking out the garbage, shopping, caring for the elderly, cleaning apartments, handing out flyers.

These types of orders often appear on special sites. You can also search for them by asking questions to friends, family, or specific Facebook groups. Such orders are usually not one-time. If you clean someone’s apartment well, you can be sure that they will call you back soon. Or a friend calls.

It’s the same with walking dogs, once you get a job walking one dog, you’ll quickly have several.

III. The third way is additional work via the Internet

But, everything is not so smooth here, and you can be disappointed in this topic. By entering such a query into a search engine, you will be flooded with thousands of different offers: from investing in Forex (don’t do it) and various MLM offers, to surveys or other magical ways to get rich. But in order, here are some inspirations.

1). Earnings on surveys

For each completed questionnaire or survey, you can get paid. It takes from a few minutes to an hour to complete the questionnaire. You receive survey notifications by email. After filling out the questionnaires and collecting a minimum of money, you can withdraw funds.

2). Work as a graphic designer, animation creator

This type of work requires certain competencies and knowledge. If you have them, you can easily find jobs on freelance websites. The job is to fulfill orders. Entrepreneurs from all over the country are looking for people who can fill orders for them.

The choice is made based on the portfolio, the assessment of previous employers, the number of jobs well done, etc. Don’t give up if you think you don’t have such competencies. You may be asked to do simple things like:

Adding interesting pictures to the site. Often the customer asks to find 10 unique pictures per day and post them on the website at a certain time. Payment of 500 rubles per order. It can be done in 30 – 45 minutes..

Maintaining an account on a popular forum. Get paid for every post you write. It doesn’t have to be about a specific topic – it’s just about keeping the account active and recognizable.

Forum moderation. Once a day, log into your administrator account and delete all strange messages from robots.

Living Secretary. In case the client calls, all you need to do is ask for an e-mail and give it to the employer.

Voice recording. Reading the advertising text for the commercial.

• Find press releases about specific people with a brief description.

There are hundreds of such orders, and, you see, most of them do not seem complicated. But the start is not easy. Employers choose accounts with a good score or those that contain an interestingly described offer. With subsequent orders, it becomes easier to receive new orders.


From the article we see that there are no hopeless situations, even in such a serious matter as finding money. The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself.
