Distance learning vs distance learning: what’s the difference?

Distance learning at a university is education using Internet technologies. In terms of format, study is similar to part-time: students do not need to go to university for couples. In structure, it resembles full-time: training sessions are held regularly, homework is given, students interact with teachers. In the article, we will figure out how these two forms of education differ.

Distance learning is often confused with part-time education, since in the first and second cases it is not required to be present at the university every day. But this is where the similarities end, because the organization of the educational process is very different.

Distance learning

Visiting a university. In the process of the entire training, students study remotely, they do not need to go to classes at the university. To enter an educational institution, it is not necessary to come to the dean’s office, documents can be sent using courier delivery. You can also receive your graduation diploma by mail.

Organization of training. Students must master the same amount of knowledge as in full-time format. For students, classes are held almost daily in Zoom or Skype, they need to do their homework and participate in seminars.

Session. Students take exams in the subjects they have passed in the same mode as full-time students. The only difference is that the exams are taken in Zoom or Skype with the camera turned on.

Communicate with teachers. Students meet regularly at lectures with teachers and can directly ask their questions.

Tuition fees. As a rule, distance learning is more expensive than distance learning, as more classes are held for students and a special online educational platform is used.

Distance learning

Visiting a university. It is imperative to come to the university every six months to listen to lectures and pass the session.

Organization of training. Students study on their own most of the time. Before the session for correspondence students, pairs are held for 2-3 weeks, during which they study the main topics.

Session. Correspondence students take a session every six months, exams are taken directly at the university.

Communicate with teachers. Students can only ask questions at consultations or during lectures. The rest of the time, you will have to look for answers yourself.

Cost of training. Part-time education is cheaper than other forms.

Distance learning is similar to full-time education: students learn new material throughout the semester and complete assignments, there is a continuous learning process. But distance learning is different in that people from different parts of the world can enter and study at the university, combining work and classes. With distance learning, students actively study during the session, must attend classes and take exams directly at the university. The rest of the time, students master the material in a convenient mode.

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