How to manage anger?

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Some people believe that they should not be afraid to splash out their emotions: scream, get angry, take offense, get angry, convey thoughts in an aggressive form, so that others see discontent and begin to respect their opinion. However, such behavior in most cases causes reciprocal aggression of a person, and also distorts reality, prevents building relationships and going to success. Therefore, it is important to be able to control your emotions in order to achieve your goals. In this article, we’ve put together some helpful anger management tips. Learn more about emotional intelligence and its control in the free webinar “Emotional Intelligence is the Skill of the Future”.

Anger does not arise from scratch, it is a secondary feeling that appears as a result of someone saying an offensive word, someone was late for your meeting or tried to offend you. First of all, it is important to determine the cause of anger in order to quickly deal with anger.

How to deal with anger when self-esteem is hurt

When someone criticizes or insults you, a child wakes up inside. You have a reciprocal desire to call the offender, shout and hook him with a bad word. This tactic is unlikely to work. If you flare up, then the conversation will escalate into a conflict and you will not be able to prove your case. In such a situation, it is necessary to understand that anger is caused by a feeling of sadness or fear. For example, you were upset by the words that you are an incompetent employee. Or you are afraid that a colleague’s opinion that you are lazy is really true. Determine what is behind your anger, and make a choice in favor of how best to behave in this situation.

How to control anger when we are defensive

Sometimes we need to be alone with ourselves in order to relax, restore inner balance and put our thoughts in order. When they begin to pull us at this time, distract us with questions or offer help, we begin to get very annoyed and indignant. At this moment, you need to understand that the person did not want to offend you, you are tense because of your own fatigue. It is best to calmly answer that you need to think a little or be alone.

How to respond to anger when someone criticizes your values

All people are different, a person’s worldview can be very different from another, despite the fact that we live and work in the same place. For example, you decide to change your lifestyle and become a vegetarian, but a colleague constantly jokes with you, insultingly teases and provokes you in every possible way. You can try to explain your decision or calmly and confidently answer the offender that it is none of his business.

How to manage anger when someone disrupts your plans

When a person is late for an important meeting or event, it can cause a storm of emotions. Anger may be due to the fact that you were prevented from reaching your desired goal, or someone violates your boundaries. At this point, it is important to realize that anger came from an unfulfilled desire, which you need to recognize and formulate within yourself. After that, it is necessary to correctly explain to the person that, for example, the result of further work depended on this meeting.


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