“No development”, “lack of motivation”, “depression”: what is a career dead end?

If the work does not bring pleasure, there is no career development, you don’t feel like doing anything, you may be in a career impasse.

A career dead end is a stop on a professional path, when tasks are performed automatically and do not arouse interest, motivation decreases, you do not see new opportunities for yourself. Here are some real life examples:

Alexander works as an accountant. He dreamed of becoming the head of the department, for this he often stayed at work, underwent special training, and showed initiative. A few years later, I realized that the tasks were no longer interesting to him, colleagues were annoying, he often breaks down and wants to change his field of activity.

Anna has been a bank teller for two years now. She experiences a lot of stress every time she counts money at the end of her shift. Anna wants to do calm and creative work, help people and do something with her hands, but she has to do routine work.

The options for a career dead end may be different, but it all boils down to one thing – a decrease in motivation and unwillingness to work.

Is the lack of desire to go to work always a career dead end?

Not always. Perhaps you are just emotionally burned out and need a rest. Take a vacation that contrasts with your regular schedule. If you work at a computer, then plan yourself active entertainment – hiking, traveling, walking with friends.

Try to completely protect yourself from work processes during your vacation, up to chatting with colleagues. It is important to completely reboot and free yourself from anxiety. When you get back to the office, check your feelings. If there is inspiration and a desire to return to tasks, then everything is in order, there is no need to look for another job. But then you should pay attention to your personal interests and monitor the load.

What to do if nothing has changed after the vacation?

If, after a vacation, thoughts appear in your head that it’s time to radically change your life, then you should honestly answer the following questions for yourself:

  • Do I like what I’m doing now?
  • Will I still enjoy tasks if I can’t reach higher heights in the future?
  • Am I interested in diving into my specialty?
  • Would I like to work in the same field but in a different firm?

If a career impasse occurred due to restrictions in the company, and you understand that it is impossible to overcome them, then you should enter the labor market and start looking for an organization in which career growth is possible. If you understand that work no longer ignites you, then you should think about finding your calling.

Where to start if I decided to change my field of activity?

  1. Take the career guidance test of the Russia – Land of Opportunity platform, which will help you understand yourself better and indicate the direction in choosing an industry.
  2. See the Careers Directory to learn about new jobs, career development skills, and schools where you can learn those skills.
  3. Read the success stories of the winners of contests and projects of the Russia — Land of Opportunity platform to get inspired and take the first step towards your dream!

Think through every step to make the right choice and not be disappointed in a new profession. Learn as much information as possible about the specialty, and best of all, try on a new role to understand how suitable the position is for you.
