Earnings in social networks without investments for beginners

The massive spread of the Internet has led to its integration into the lives of almost every person. Most users have a profile on one or more social networks. Millions of people spend almost all their free time on them every day. Social networks have become the main means of communication with friends, family and loved ones, they can meet, play, learn useful information and even purchase goods and services.

But few people know that such popular sites can be used to earn money. According to statistics, only 0.05% of social network users use this opportunity. It’s pretty low competition, so it’s not too late to start making money.

There are a lot of options for making money on social networks. They differ in the complexity of implementation and, accordingly, payment. The simplest work is paid less than the more complex one.

Some users manage to turn the social network into the main source of income and forget about the unloved work forever. Beginners, on the other hand, do not risk anything, since they do not need to invest.

Where to start?

Заработок в социальных сетях

For a start it is necessary to be defined in what social network there will be a work. It is advisable to choose popular options: VK, Instagram, Facebook. You need to create a new profile on the selected network or use an existing one.

The risk of account blocking is quite high, so you should not use a personal account. The new account should be as full as possible:

  • add basic information
  • and photos,
  • join communities,
  • add friends.

You will also need to create electronic wallets, they will receive earned funds. After that, you can start earning.

The main ways to earn money in social networks:

1 . Completing simple tasks

Under simple tasks, we mean being active: like, repost, join a community, etc. Users of social networks perform all these actions every day in huge quantities, and absolutely free of charge.

The main advantage of this option is that everyone can earn money, and the main disadvantage is low pay, you should not count on a large income.One of the most popular services for making money is VKTarget.

There are always many tasks available in VK, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Instagram.

You can work both from a computer in a browser and from a smartphone by downloading the application of the same name from the Play Market or the App Store.

You can withdraw money to e-wallets, mobile phone balance and bank cards. The minimum amount is only 15 rubles.

2. Creating communities for further sale

The essence is quite simple – you need to create a community, fill it with content, attract the target audience, and then sell to an interested client. The success of the whole event depends on the choice of topics.

Communities on the topics of business, construction, cars, goods from China, beauty and health, as well as entertainment are most in demand. Content can be found online.

Getting subscribers is much harder. Without investments, this can take many months, but you can use promotion services, for example, the same VKTarget.

The price of the group will depend on the quantity and quality of the audience, on average it is 1 person – 1 ruble.

Groups with less than 10,000 members hardly sell, and this also applies to communities with a large number of inactive or blocked users. Buyers can be found on specialized exchanges, forums and, oddly enough, in social networks.

3. Placing promotional materials in your own community

Selling communities is not for everyone. Having invested time and effort, you do not want to part with the result. And this is a pretty good decision, because a popular group will generate income for a long time.

Продажа сообществ

The first steps on the way to making money are the same as in the previous paragraph. It is undesirable for your group to use cheat services in order to avoid blocking, it is better to attract the audience with high-quality content or a small contest.

When the number of subscribers exceeds 10 thousand, you can proceed to search for advertisers.

It is important not to publish the first material that comes across that does not correspond to the topic of the community or is of dubious quality – you can lose the trust of the audience.

Also, do not go too far with the amount of advertising content, this scares off visitors and activity will deteriorate sharply. Income depends on the topic and the number of subscribers, and is 100–5000 rubles per publication.

4. Creating an online store

Social networks are an ideal place to sell any product. Even home-made items (hand-made) are in demand. It’s very easy to start earning – you need to create a new account so as not to litter your personal or community.

создание магазина в соц сетях

If you plan to resell goods from foreign sites, you will need to order a batch of goods for the first time. After posting a photo and a description of the goods, you can start searching for customers, after which it remains to accept orders and send goods to customers.

Dropshipping is another option for doing business on a social network that does not require the cost of purchasing goods. In fact, this is an intermediary between the seller and the real buyer.

Photos and descriptions are taken from the seller’s resource, but the cost is set a little higher than the actual one. This difference is earnings. It remains to find a client, place an order and transfer the information to the seller.

He will send the goods to the buyer. With this scheme, there will be no need to worry about unsold stock and low demand.

Purchase sharing is also widespread. This method allows all participants to significantly save on things and their delivery. The bottom line is to purchase interesting goods on foreign sites at wholesale prices. It is necessary to find and place information about the product on the page or in the community. When the required number of applicants is reached, you can place an order.

After receiving, you must make sure that there are no defects and send the goods to buyers. The organizer includes a mark-up of 10–20% in the cost announced to the client, which is his earnings.

5. Games

Many users come to social networks not only for the sake of communication, but also for the sake of games. They spend a lot of time playing the game and are sometimes even willing to spend real money on character development or acquiring resources. To achieve high levels, as a rule, it is necessary to devote a lot of effort. But not all users are so patient that they are ready to play the game from scratch, for some it is much easier to buy a ready-made upgraded account.

For fans of games, this option of earning is ideal. First you need to determine the most popular games at the moment. Then you can start pumping the character. Given enough time, this can be done in most games in a few days. It remains only to find a client on thematic sites.


Making money in social networks is quite real. The amount of income depends solely on the user, his determination and ambitions. If you can earn 500 rubles a month on simple tasks without much effort, then when running a group or an online store, the income is many times higher, but you will have to work hard.

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