Remote Business Ideas During Quarantine


Blogging is one of the first business models that emerged from the invention of the Internet. Blogs are online magazines in a niche that people read for advice, information, and resources.

Examples of popular blogs include Techcrunch, which started as a hobby and turned into a business that was acquired for roughly millions of dollars; Buzzfeed for the latest millennial news/topics and The Entrepreneur’s Guide for advice on starting, managing and running a business in the UK (we couldn’t resist).

Идеи удаленного бизнеса

Published daily over , million blog posts, and this growth is growing thanks to an increase in the number of amateur bloggers and the entire publishing industry, which is shifting towards a purely online model.

Given this, the blogging space is extremely competitive, but that’s all there is still room for new entries

To start blogging you need to decide what niche you are going to cover, popular areas include:

  • business ,
  • beauty,
  • lifestyle and finances,
  • although there are many more.

You also need to have a good understanding of:

  • search engine marketing max,
  • design,
  • content marketing,
  • writing,
  • editing and using most of the major digital marketing mechanisms (social media, email and notifications).

You then need to purchase a domain name, set up hosting, and create a blog-style website using a website builder or WordPress (you can also use platforms like YouTube or Vimeo if you have a vlog).

Make sure your site is mobile friendly (responsive design); over 80% of your readers will be browsing your blog on mobile.

Then set up Google Analytics to view reader statistics and make sure your GDP is compliant (default blogs are widely used in processing and storing personal data ).

Now you need to create a content plan (use a keyword planner for basic keyword research).

Developing a solid content plan will be the key to your success and will take at least – weeks.

Now it’s time to create your social media profiles, email templates/posts, and put in place an ongoing marketing plan to grow and retain your audience through these channels.

Blogs are still mostly monetized with display ads, the easiest way to get started is to apply to join Adsense (pay per click and per thousand impressions of visitors) and place relevant ads in the top performing positions in your blog (by content, header, footer and sidebar).

Blogs that target an area or niche in which the content matches specific products/services can also be monetized effectively through affiliate marketing (product marketing of individual companies and earn commissions on any sales).

On BB related blogs, you can also explore the possibility of generating leads (gathering information/interest of readers to buy a certain product/service and then selling leading to a direct supplier or third party supplier).

As we mentioned blogging is an extremely competitive game, but new blogs are started every day and eventually become successful and profitable, this is not a quick way to make money in Internet, but it is a relatively low cost to start and grow a business.

Buy and sell on eBay

eBay is a marketplace auction where you can buy and sell almost anything new or used items you can think of.


Many buyers and sellers have had a lot of success and continue to make money on eBay (check out the history Red Paperclip, this is amazing).

Buying and selling on eBay is an art, there are many deals and undervalued items that you can find, list correctly on the platform and make a profit.

You can also buy from other platforms (such as Alibaba) and resell on eBay.

To get started on eBay, you need to set up an eBay business account and PayPal business account (you will need is going to pass verification, which may take some time).

Next, you need to determine what niche of products you are going to buy and sell through your eBay store.

At this point, it’s all about looking for deals on and off the platform, to then resell for a profit. The market can change quickly, so you’ll need to constantly adjust what you buy and sell for most niches to stay profitable.

When it comes to selling, eBay’s listing presentation is critical to sales volume and price. Make sure you have good quality photos and a clear description of the item (condition, delivery times, etc.).

In many cases, a correct presentation can increase the final auction price by up to 80%.

You also need to make sure your items are properly categorized and titled so buyers can find your item on eBay and get an incentive to click through to the listing.

Start small, shop for groceries, then package or upgrade them and sell them for profit.

To conclude, choosing the right dropshipping supplier(s) is critical, you need to make sure they are reliable and delivery times are within reasonable limits. , you don’t want customers canceling orders before they arrive (many shippers are based in China, the time it takes to manufacture and ship a product can mean it can take months in some cases to reach a customer).


A third of workers in Europe are now freelancing or on a contract basis, which means they work on an hourly or project basis, providing their services meadows

Create apps

Many companies and individuals want to start an app based business or create a new app for their existing business, in such cases they it’s easier to just buy a pre-built app close to or exactly what they wanted to develop (rather than developing it themselves or outsourcing/managing the build of the app).

Popular apps for sale cover a variety of areas, including gaming, productivity, and management business (the notepad app made about $1,000 in a single week in the early days of the App Store).

To get started, you’ll need to be an experienced developer with the ability to write robust code, and be familiar with IOS development languages ​​and Android.

You will also need appropriate development software (such as Sublime), an ergonomic high performance computer setup (to reduce health risks from long hours of work), and an email address.

From a marketing standpoint, you can use SellMyApp and Fliptopia to list your apps for sale, don’t forget to evaluate what’s popular/pricing before building an app to make sure you’re making a healthy profit.

Sell stock photo and video

Adobe Stock

Most websites use stock images, mostly photos they buy online from platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock Photos, iStockphoto and more to use on their websites and in marketing materials.

There are also many free photo sites, but they often lack the photo quality of paid photo sites (which is why companies usually choose paid photos for marketing materials / sites).

Becoming a stock photographer is relatively easy to get started; You’ll get a decent DSLR camera and photography experience.

From here it’s all about identifying popular photography topics (finance, productivity, working from home…) and photographing/editing high-quality photos as well then create them and upload them to accounts on said platforms.

You will be paid royalties for licensing or for one-time purchases depending on the platform (they will charge a fee).

If you are stuck on where to start taking pictures, there is a great demand for stock photos and images of people doing various activities (i.e. young professionals typing on a computer).

You can access to local models via platforms such as Bidvine (or through direct contact on Instagram, which is usually cheaper/faster) and then take hundreds of photos of models doing various activities.

Also, you can also create video content. Drone photography in major cities is popular with many companies as backgrounds on landing pages.

In general, being a successful photographer, you can create professional photos in large quantities.

E-Book Author

Can you imagine being the next Emily Brontë? Why not write and publish a novel or a non-fiction book (in a field in which you have expertise).

It has never been easier to write, publish and distribute your work.

Ebooks allow you to reach a large potential audience through platforms like the Kindle (without the need for traditional publishers and printing costs).

As with any book, you first need to decide on the premise of what you’re writing, structure your proposed text, edit, and then publish (it’s always a good idea to get a second opinion before publishing, or use a professional editor).

To distribute your eBook, you can use your own website and list your eBook for sale on platforms such as Lulu, Kindle, Smashwords, Kobo, and many more.

From a marketing standpoint, if you’re listing on ebooks on the platforms above, it’s important to get as many positive reviews as possible in order to rank higher for your particular book area in order to maximize sales (and convince people to buy your ebook).


You can do this first by asking your friends and family to buy and review your book.

Then focus on online publications that offer free copies of your book for them to view and provide much-needed content marketing to engage their audience (you can also offer to write features and link to the book).

Writing and publishing an e-book is relatively easy, the key is It’s about writing a great book and putting in a lot of marketing effort, once you have a craving for marketing, your e-book’s popularity and sales will skyrocket.

Make and sell things

Товары ручной работы

Handmade goods have become extremely popular in the last few years (from custom coats for dogs to engraved rings and beyond), and demand for bespoke handmade goods shows no signs of slowing down.

Waffle cups

Now, time when mankind struggles for a clean environment, when the use of plastic cups is banned in many countries, edible wafer cups come into fashion. The choice of this solution is picked up by a few other entrepreneurs, but the production of these original, tasty and environmentally friendly glasses can bring huge profits. For many bars, restaurants, they will be a real find.

Building a heat map of the house

Few people are engaged in this business, but it is necessary and there are enough willing customers. The idea of ​​this business lies in the paid departure of clients for examination by a thermal imager when accepting apartments in new buildings, during the construction of country cottages, houses. With which you can identify and eliminate heat leakage.

Opening a hairdresser

Despite the many different salons, this idea of ​​opening is currently considered popular and in demand.

Selling ice cream

If, in the old days, ice cream was bought only in the summer, now it is popular all year round.
It is quite profitable, but also in a business that has competitors. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify it and offer the client something new.
For example, fried ice cream made from natural products and without preservatives, enhancers and dyes.

Production cat toilet pads

A model consisting of trays of different sizes and installed on the toilet. With their help, you can teach your pet to go to the toilet.


A popular business is a way to place vertical gardening of apartments, offices based on hydroponics and drip irrigation.

Grocery delivery

This is a service for delivering products to public catering, and by order of customers at home.
It is also popular.

Production of business boards for babies from scratch

This production is different in that everything you need can be purchased at any home goods store and hardware store.

Here are some popular ideas for starting your own business. But before investing big costs, it is better to sell a few products to the first buyers first, to check if they are in demand.


Recently, more and more people tend not to be hired by an employer, but to open their own business. And why do citizens of all ages think about opening their own business – schoolchildren, youth, pensioners.

Everyone has their own goals and plans when opening their own business – for some it is income, for others it is a way of life, for others favorite pastime.

And no matter how the goal is subdivided, these people have one desire – to make a profit.
It is always difficult for beginners to open their own business in which there is no certain experience.

Fear of failures, mistakes that may occur when starting your own business. And how to succeed? What is the best direction to start navigating in?

First of all, you need to understand that any business starts with customers. And as a rule – this is first of all – this is a free word of mouth information channel, which includes acquaintances, neighbors, former work colleagues, friends, relatives. By word of mouth about a new product, product, the opening of a new salon, store, and so on, they expand the customer base.

Increasing the flow of customers in the modern world is helped by advertising through radio, the Internet, and television.

Yes, starting your own business is not an easy task, but having figured out and decided on the possibility of expanding the flow of customers, the next step is to choose in which direction it is better to develop your business.

Currently, the choice of ideas a huge amount, you can start from the elementary and earn a lot of money.

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